Ákos's Portfolio

Hello, I'm

I'm a passionate programmer with a great interest in coding,
solving problems, and everything tech-related.

About Me

I am a full stack web developer with a passion for creating interactive and responsive web applications. I have experience working with frontend libraries like React, Next.js, Vue and Nuxt.js. I am familiar with larger frameworks such as Express.js, Django and Laravel. For data management I like to use PostgreSQL or MongoDB. I am also familiar with HTML, CSS, Docker and Git. My core programming languages include TypeScript, Python, and PHP. I am a team player, who can also work well individually, I consider myself a quick learner and I am always looking to expand my knowledge and skill set by looking for new challenges.

Profile Picture

Programming Languages

  • PythonPython
  • TypeScriptTypeScript
  • JavaScriptJavaScript
  • JavaJava
  • KotlinKotlin
  • C#C#

Developer Tools

  • GitGit
  • LinuxLinux
  • DockerDocker
  • VS CodeVS Code
  • JiraJira
  • GitlabGitlab
  • Github ActionsGithub Actions
  • FigmaFigma

Web Technologies

  • TailwindTailwind
  • BootstrapBootstrap


  • LaravelLaravel
  • Node.jsNode.js
  • FastAPIFastAPI
  • ExpressExpress
  • DjangoDjango
  • ReactReact
  • Next.jsNext.js
  • VueVue
  • NuxtNuxt


  • PostgreSQLPostgreSQL
  • MongoDBMongoDB
  • RedisRedis

AI Libraries

  • PyTorchPyTorch
  • TensorFlowTensorFlow
  • KerasKeras

Language Skills

  • Slovak - NativeSlovak - Native
  • English - C1English - C1
  • German - A2German - A2
  • Hungarian - C1Hungarian - C1

My Projects

  • Modern Fashion Store

    A simple dashboard interface for a manager of a clothing company. Keeps tranck of products and orders. Includes filtering for orders and products.

  • Budget Master

    Financial management app. Provides a modern and simplistic interface for tracking user income and expenses. Also provides easy to read charts about the data, like monthly expenses or expenses by category.

  • FakeShop

    A mock online store for shopping fake products from a public API.

  • Glaucoma Segmentation

    Master's thesis project at the Faculty of Informatics and Information Technologies, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava. The project is focused on the development of a deep learning model for the segmentation of the optic disc and cup in fundus images.

  • Feast Finder

    Frontend application for finding recipes based on ingredients and food preferences. It uses the MealDB API to fetch recipes and provides a user-friendly interface for searching and filtering.

  • SmartTech e-Shop

    Online shop for buying smartphones. Provides filters for price range, brand, and color for finding the best smartphones. On the backend it stores the data in a PostgreSQL database. Users can add and remove products from their shopping cart and go through the checkout process (without actually buying anything).
